UACC Handbook (updated 7/17/23)

UACC Attendance Policy

Singers are expected to attend every rehearsal and performance. To protect choir member’s self-esteem and health and to ensure the entire choir’s continued growth, the following Attendance Policy is in place:

Only TWO absences are allowed per semester, this includes rehearsals and extra practices. If the musician misses more than two times within a concert semester, the musician will contact the director and schedule a private 30- minute lesson at the cost of $30 per half hour. After the lesson, the director will decide whether the musician is adequately prepared to perform. Choir members are expected to attend all performances unless excused for emergencies by the director.

For an expected absence, the parents and musician will notify the director by text or e-mail prior to the absence. For an absence due to illness or emergency, the parents and musician will notify the director as soon as possible. Choir members are eligible to perform or tour only if they are in compliance with the Attendance Policy.

Dress rehearsals and ALL concerts are mandatory.

(If the singer has non-contagious symptoms: sore throat, sinus/allergy issues, fever-free... they are encouraged to sit in rehearsal to experience the practice even if not singing.) Since we only meet one hour a week, if your child misses one rehearsal- they will miss crucial rehearsal time. 

Audition procedures for returning choir members

If you are a member of UACC II, you will NOT need to re-audition to be in the choir the following year. UACC I members of appropriate age (6th grade) may advance to UACC II only after receiving approval from the director.

Audition procedures for prospective new singers

Auditions will be held in July-August. All prospective singers who would like to join the UACC must complete an audition form, and audition for the director. Parents may accompany the child to the audition, if they like. The audition will consist of pitch matching, determining the child’s vocal range, examining the singer’s quality of tone, diction and his/her natural aptitude for singing. 

Behavior Expectations

The UACC was created to give musically motivated children the opportunity to create beautiful music in an energizing, invigorating, and loving atmosphere. We provide a safe environment for young singers to grow and learn. We design rehearsals to be engaging and active to keep all the singers focused. Choir members are expected to act appropriately at all times. Singers who cannot control their behavior or are a distraction to the goals of the choir will be removed from the University of Arkansas Children’s Choir choir at the director’s discretion without refund of tuition. (If parents feel that their child may have challenges with behavior or focus- you are encouraged to schedule a meeting with the director to discuss proactive solutions and sit in rehearsals to observe your child.)


While updates will be sent home regularly, we strongly encourage you to visit the website often ( as we will post news, changes in schedules, and there are a variety of needed forms such as the handbook, etc, available for download. We will also send important notes and information via e-mail. UACC has a Remind group that you will be asked to join each new season.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns:

Rachel Cornett, Director (479) 871-0678

Shannon Wicker, Director (479-575-6491) 

Kim Jones, Financial Operations Phone: 479-575-6491

Samanthe Burrow, UACC Parent Booster Leader

Inclement Weather

If the Fayetteville and/or Bentonville School District cancels classes due to bad weather, UACC rehearsals will be cancelled as well. In performance or other situations, please check our website or the director will email the parents (and via Remind).

Music & Supplies

Each choir member is responsible for keeping his/her music binder safe and in good condition. Choir members must bring their music, a black binder, and a pencil each week. Students who fail to have the necessary supplies will receive a verbal warning and if the behavior persists, the singer’s parents will be contacted. Please come to rehearsal prepared!

Coming to rehearsal with no music is a distraction for everyone.

Uniform & Concert Attire

In order to maintain a level of professionalism about the music we make, all choir members must purchase the same uniform for concert performances. 

OPTION 1: UACC Uniform dress must be purchased at the cost range of $80-$90. The dress is a specific dress ordered from Stage Accents. The dress arrives too long and must be hemmed to touch the toe of your child’s shoe. You may choose to arrange your own alterations or pay to have our seamstress alter it for you.

With the dress, singer should wear black comfortable dress flats with their uniform (not athletic shoes). “Hair colored” hair bands and small stud earrings are allowed for performances. Hair needs to be pulled back for dress rehearsals and performances. We want to see your face! The dress also has a specific pearl necklace that must be purchased from UACC for $10.

OPTION 2: Uniform black dress shirt, white bow tie, and black dress pants must be purchased on your own. Must be worn with black socks and black dress shoes (not athletic shoes). Hair should be neat and away from your eyes (no hair falling in your face). White bow-ties must be purchased from UACC and are $10.

All choir members regardless of age should wear deodorant. Nerves increase the heart rate and turn on the sweat! It can get very smelly on stage, under the hot lights, with 100 young people.

Practice Videos

Members of the choirs will be provided a link to access practice videos throughout the year. Please listen, and learn YOUR part. In the first two weeks of receiving your link, you should listen to your part with your music in your hand- following your part. More practice instructions will be given in rehearsal.

Other Performances

UACC will perform a winter and spring concert as indicated on the schedule. The choirs may also perform additional designated community events and sing-outs at the discretion of the director- as designated on the calendar. You will receive at least one month’s notice for any required events that are not on the calendar. Any event not given one month’s notice will be optional attendance for the singer.

Rehearsal Times

It is essential that you attend EVERY rehearsal as information is taught sequentially. During rehearsals, it is not only notes and good choral tone that is taught...self-esteem, teamwork, responsibility, controlling nerves, dignity, focus, posture, and confidence is incorporated. Being a member of this choir means that you have made the commitment to attend every rehearsal and follow the attendance policy.

Rehearsals will begin promptly. Show respect by being on time.

Tuesdays- Fayetteville

Thursdays- Bentonville

UACC 1 & 3 (younger choirs) begin at 5:00pm and ends at 6:00pm.

UACC 2 & 4 (older choirs) begin at 6:15pm and ends at 7:30pm.

Tuition, Payment & Tour Fees

Tuition costs for each choir are: $275 per entire year

(Tuition must be paid in full by Oct 1st unless a payment plan has been discussed with the director.) If not paid by Oct 1st, singer will not be allowed to attend rehearsals- your director will be in contact with you to discuss this situation. 

All checks should be made payable to “University of Arkansas Children's Choir”. Tuition is non- refundable. If your singer needs financial assistance with tuition- we have scholarship amounts available. Please ask the director for a scholarship form. We are happy to help!

No exceptions will be made for trip or tour fee deadlines. If the payment is late, the musician’s name and/or chaperone’s name will be removed from the tour list without hesitation. Tour/trip fees are non-refundable. The musician may not perform or tour if his/her account has a negative balance.

Volunteer Opportunities

We strongly desire for the UACC to have a family atmosphere, and we welcome parents who would like to volunteer their help! Samanthe Burrow is our UACC Parent Booster Leader and welcomes volunteers! 

Watching the Rehearsal

Parents, grandparents, teachers, and visitors are welcome to enjoy the rehearsal. There is minimal seating available but you are always welcome to stand and observe. To keep distractions to a minimum, we also request that you silence all cell phones before entering the rehearsal. Also, please refrain from talking to those around you and keep young ones from being a distraction to the singers/director. If you are distracting, you will be asked to leave the rehearsal.

In accordance with our contract for the rehearsal facility, we ask that you do not use any other room in the Music Building other than the rehearsal space and/or restrooms.

Parents, if you have questions, the directors will be available after rehearsals to speak with you, or e-mail or text is preferred. Please do not direct questions toward directors at the start of rehearsal. It is important that rehearsals start and end on time. 

Drop-off of Singers

This is very important to ensure the safety of all singers. Singers are to either be dropped off at the front of the Music Building (for older singers only) or parents may choose to park and walk their child to the choir room. Until your child walks into the choir room- they are under your responsibility. Once singers are in the choir room- they are to remain in the choir room for the remainder of the time!

Singers should not arrive more than 15 minutes early to rehearsal.

Being late to rehearsal

We understand that unforeseen circumstances can happen, but if your child is consistently late to rehearsal that is disrespectful to the choir and the director and may result in removal from the choir.

Pick-up of Singers

Fayetteville UACC I Singers (grades 2-6) will be walked to the front (south facing) steps of the music building (facing the Greek Outdoor Theater) after rehearsal (6:00pm) for you to pick them up. Your children will be supervised, but please be on time in picking them up, as your delays become our delays. Or you may pick up your child in the choir room hallway at the end of rehearsal. 

Bentonville UACC 3 Singers (grades 2-6) will wait on the sidewalk outside by the Thaden Choir Room with our intern/directors for parents to retrieve them. 

UACC 2 & 4 singers (grades 6-12) are dismissed at 7:30pm to meet their parents or drive home. 


Yes! It is important enough to receive its very own category!! Water is needed to hydrate the body for healthy singing. Please bring a labeled, plastic bottle of water (please NO metal bottles!!!) with a lid to every rehearsal. Water fountains are available, but rehearsals run much more smoothly if children have water close at hand and we don't want singers leaving the room. No food, gum, soda, Starbucks, or candy is allowed during rehearsal time.


It is very important that you ensure that your child uses the restroom prior to rehearsal. This is a serious issue for us at Fayetteville rehearsals, because the restrooms are located on the first floor (and we rehearse on the 3rd floor). So when a child needs to use the restroom, we have to get an intern or parent volunteer to take the child down to the first floor of the music building. It is disruptive to rehearsal and the child (and intern) lose too much rehearsal time. Please help us with this by having your child prepared to stay in the choir room for the entire rehearsal.

Building Safety

This is a public campus and there are lots of adults, students, people coming in and out of the building at all times. This is another reason why we need singers to not leave the room for water or restroom, but also we need parent support in pick-up/drop-off of singers so that our procedures are clear. Your child’s safety is the upmost priority.